We’re a small team doing BIG THINGS in our community.

Our Chamber:

The Belle Fourche Chamber of Commerce serves to promote our members, the commercial, civic, and general interests of the city of Belle Fourche, and our trade area. 

As a voluntary organization our aim is to represent and advocate for our members and the business community as a whole. 

We are not a civic club, a charitable organization, or department of city government.  We are a private, non-profit, taxpaying corporation focused on improving the community and businesses of Belle Fourche.

We’re comprised of people — people just like you, who realize that we can accomplish more collectively than individually.

Our Chamber Board of Directors consists of 9 elected positions, 2 community liasons, and our Executive Director. 

The goal of the Chamber Office is to provide many membership services, whether free or for a nominal fee.

Experience the Benefits:


Host and/or participate in chamber mixers, evening networking & social events.


Host and/or participate in one of our periodic training events to help grow your skills and business acumen.


Take advantage of advertising on our website and social media outlets.

Job Posting

Find job candidates by posting job openings on our job board or participating in our job fairs.

Leadership Development

Get to know your chamber and fellow business community members by volunteering to serve on one of our committees or running for a board member position.  Take the lead in shaping both our chamber and our community.

Membership Includes

  • Participate in Chamber Events
  • Community Events Calendar
  • Social Media Promotion
  • Weekly Newsletter
  • Member of the Week Spotlight
  • Business Listing on the Website Directory
  • E-Newsletter Spotlights
  • Business Listing in the 57717 Guide App
  • Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies
  • Rack Card Display in Chamber Office
  • Monthly Chamber Mixer
  • Display of Business Card
  • Business Learning Events
  • Flyer in Mailed Visitor Packets
  • Chamber Committee Involvement
  • Member-Only Access to Advertising
  • Priority Referrals to Guests
  • Holiday / Event Specials
  • 10′ x 10′ Vendor Tent Space
  • 2′ x 2′ Sign Display at Events

Membership Supports

& Offers Involvement In

  • City Wide Garage Sale
  • Annual Chamber Awards Banquet
  • Riverfest
  • Legislative Forums
  • Annual Parade of Lights
  • “SWAP” Chamber Mixers
  • Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony
  • New Business Ribbon Cuttings
  • Polar Express
  • Business Learning Events
  • Other Collaborative Events
  • Chamber Chili Competition

Member Committees

Finance / Operations Committee

Oversee the financial health and sustainability of the chamber, which includes: Develop and monitor the annual budget, Ensure Proper financial controls and policies are in place, Review financial statements and provide reports to the board, Assist with fundraising and sponsorship strategies, Ensure compliance with tax and regulatory requirements, Provide guidance on investment and reserve fund management, Evaluate membership dues and fee structures for financial sustainability and Review and revise operating procedures to bring for board approval.
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Marketing & Advocacy Committee

Promote the chamber’s brand, support local businesses, and advocate for business-friendly policies, which includes: Develop and implement marketing strategies for chamber events and initiatives, Oversee social media, website, newsletters, and press releases, Create promotional materials and campaigns to increase membership, Advocate for policies that support business growth and economic development, Build relationships with government officials and community leaders, Monitor legislation and regulatory changes impacting local businesses, Engage with media to raise awareness about chamber initiatives.
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Events Committee

Plan and execute chamber events to engage members, attract new business, and enhance community involvement, which includes: Organize networking events, luncheons, business expose, and annual awards banquet, Develop event budgets and secure sponsorships, Coordinate logistics, including venue selection, speakers, catering, and entertainment, Promote events through marketing channels, Recruit volunteers and assign responsibilities, Evaluate event success and gather feedback for future improvements, Ensure events align with the chamber’s mission and strategic goals.
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Nominations Committee

To oversee board recruitment and succession planning, ensuring the Chamber’s leadership remains effective and representative of its membership, which includes: Actively seek and evaluate individuals who can contribute to the Chamber’s mission and strategic objectives, Review candidates’ backgrounds to ensure they align with the Chamber’s needs and values, Facilitate the board elections process according to the timelines established in the bylaws, Ensure all nominated candidates meet eligibility requirements.
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