(605)892-2676 [email protected]

Belle Fourche School District 9-1

Belle Fourche School District 9-1
Listing Category
(605) 723-3355
Physical Address
2305 13th Avenue
Steve Willard
Belle Fourche
South Dakota



Welcome to beautiful Belle Fourche, South Dakota home of the "Broncs." We have a strong academic program in grades K-12. The School District recently added heavy equipment simulators to our Career and Technical Education department along with an industrial "laser" metal cutter that is computer controlled and can cut patterns in metal up to 1/4 inch in thickness. The district has also purchased two truck driving simulators and a semi tractor and trailer. We are one of two school districts in the nation that offer CDL training.

The Belle Fourche School District sport facilities include two football fields with a practice field, a newly resurfaced all-weather track, three gymnasiums, a wrestling facility and a fully equipped modernized weight room. The School District offers the sport options of football, basketball, volleyball, track, competitive cheer & dance, cross country, wrestling, soccer and golf. Our student athletes compete in Black Hills Conference. Our School District also recognizes the club sports of rodeo, baseball, and competitive shooting.

Our Fine Arts activities include plays, musicals, Veterans Day Programs, marching band, one act play, and choir. These activities give our students the opportunity to showcase their many talents.

Our District uses an Alternative Calendar, which means there is no regular school on most Fridays. The morning of the Fridays we have a program called Intersession where students can come to school for extra academic help. Students can also use the Fridays to work on enrichment projects.


  • Belle Fourche School District 9-1

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