(605)892-2676 [email protected]

Ribbon Cutting for Cowboys Too

The Belle Fourche Chamber held a ribbon cutting for Cowboys Too during the store’s grand opening at their new location, 506 State St. The fine Western apparel store was previously located across the street inside another retail store, The Olive Branch. Owner...

We’ve Moved!

  The Chamber of Commerce offices are settling into our new digs at the Historic Roosevelt Events Center in the former principal’s office. We are excited to be a part of this up-and-coming historic building’s restoration as a hub for Belle Fourche...

Le Belle Marché Indoor Market

The weather was not ideal for Le Belle Marché’s debut February 9 & 10, dumping 14 inches of snow and making travel difficult. However, the drifts hardly phased our heroic vendors and shoppers! 16 tables and market stands lined the gym at the newly christened...

Chamber Member Holiday Open House

The Chamber hosted its annual Member Holiday Open House December 13, serving up a variety of delicious homemade soups, breads, and desserts as a Thank You to our members. Members were invited to come catch up with Chamber staff and fellow members in the business...

2017 Tree Of Commerce

The Chamber’s tree for the 2017 Festival of Trees was decorated with the theme of our campaign: ‘We Produce’! Ornaments were made to represent agriculture, manufacturing, and business, using livestock ornaments, handmade ‘SmartLic’...